We listened and this is for YOU!
Our ultimate goal and vision here at September & Co. is to equip and encourage you, and part of the "equipping," is helping you USE the shop products that arrive to your home.
We may not be able to give you that hands-on one on one lesson with each item, but our blog and our videos are the best place to begin.
The journey of learning is yours, but it is a joy for us to be a part of the process.
Let's take a peek at the NEWEST learning bundle that may have already arrived to your doorstep! (and if you haven't seen it yet, then what are you waiting for?!)
How to use the Early Elementary Kit:
- Store the gorgeous kit box where you can see it and don't forget about it
- Place your Binder Bundle sheets in individual sheet protectors and place in a 3-ring binder
- Set your fraction poster where you will use it the most. Here are a few creative ideas we use ours for:
- In your kitchen for measurement help for kids while cooking and baking
- On your school room wall to help with money, measurement with rulers, and even telling time!
- Practice the skip counting cards daily to help with telling time (5's and 10's) and for easy fast-math.
- Pull out the hands-on clock for practice with the minutes and skip counting by 5's to help understand the difference between hours and minutes.
- Use the Clock flash cards to practice daily and don't forget the Clock pages in your New Binder Bundle!
- Speaking of the Binder Bundle… This is our ABSOLUTE TOP favorite product for early learners AND for moms!WHY? Because it gives you the freedom (yes!) to foster independent learning and they are working through every subject matter you do not need to be constantly teaching!
- Other Binder Bundle goodies: The newest pages to the Binder Bundle are the most exciting for your kids! The Mapping practice pages are sequential and allow our kids to know the general shape and placement of the continents and oceans. They will eventually be able to draw and map these on their own!
- Did you see the new Sight Word Cards? These are broken into sight recognition levels for your kiddos. The Kit comes with Levels 1 & 2, but you can add on Sight Word Sets as they are needed.
- The Sight Words are ALSO printed and included in the new Binder Bundle for your students to review independently.
- Hang your Days of the week, Seasons and Months of the year flashcards on your walls and rotate them as needed. Have your students write these at the top of their papers every day to practice handwriting skills and spelling of these important titles. These are ALSO included in the Binder Bundle, as well as the color words!
Can you see why we love this new kit! There is so much more to discover as you open and use it daily! But, that is where we get to enjoy hearing from you and seeing you experiment with the possibilities!
Share your pictures with us on IG or FB! Just tag us @septemberandco and we will share your journey and pictures with us!